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Photos 2010-2011

Hereis a link to  some photos from the school year gone by.
photos of 2010-11

Finian does Mrs Brown

Here's the Fr Tully sketch with Finian playing Mrs Brown.

Mary's wedding

Congratulations to our beloved SNA Mary, who got married on Saturday. Here is a photo of the happy couple Mary and Michael.

Little Killygarry- the Movie!

Goodbye sixth class!

Goodbye sixth class. We will miss you! We wish you the best in secondary school and look forward to hearing how you all get on.
Have a great summer everyone. 5th class, we'll see you in September!
If anyone wants a digital copy of this photo slide show, email me at

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Bothar donation

Thank you very much to all in 6th class who donated €20 each from their confirmation money to Bothar. The money is used to purchase farm animals that will be shipped to needy families in the third world to allow them to begin farming for themselves.

We managed to buy:    -1 dairy camel
                                     -A set of 3 bee hives
                                     -Share of guinea fowl
                                     -Share of a pig
                                     -Share of a sheep

Even though you will never know for certain the good that you have done, you can be sure that you have changed the world for the better!