School Tour

Today the 5th class went to Lough Key Forest Park and had a great day.
Tomorrow is the 6th class tour to the Cavan Centre Ballyjamesduff. Bus will leave school at 9.10am and return around 5.45pm
The lunch will be chicken curry, so if you don't like that, please bring a packed lunch.
The following is a list of items to bring:

For outdoor activities

¨     Wear casual clothes, suitable for outdoor activities (not your very best!) and a spare set for changing.
¨     Swimsuit / togs or shorts and a long sleeve old sweatshirt for wearing under wet suit for water sports.
¨     A pair of shoes/old runners to get wet for water sports (in addition to runners being worn for activities).  
¨     Towel and shower gel, shampoo etc for showering after activities.
¨     PLASTIC BAGS for taking home wet clothes, dirty runners etc.
¨     Hat and sun cream if weather is hot  (a light jacket if its not!)


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